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Manuel production lines

still in operation

Vous rencontrez des difficultés à recruter du personnel qualifié.jpeg

You have difficulty recruiting qualified personnel

Vous faites face à un turnover régulier et cherchez des solutions pour éviter la perte de

You are faced with regular turnover and are looking for solutions to avoid losing your know-how


You want to ramp up production

Vous devez former vos collaborateurs pendant un temps conséquent.jpeg

You need to train your employees over a long period of time

bande arrirere plan AVA_Plan de travail 1.png
You're facing a major increase in workload and are hampered by a lack of qualified technicians to assemble your products.
Lego en 3D avec trajectoire de montage animée et interactive

Faced with a shortage of jobs, the only candidates available need to upgrade their skills and undergo training. You lose know-how when senior staff leave, and juniors need support before they can work independently. And your company has to invest, without really having the means to do so, in a tool capable of maintaining and mastering its know-how

Capitalize on your know-how and give your operators a fun, interactive digital assembly guide.

Senior en train de former un nouvel opérateur dans une bulle AVA.png
Senior expérimenté en cours de formation à un jeune opérateur
Vidéo application AVA lego (1).gif
bulle ava.png

time-saving for your staff's autonomy

Say goodbye to paper guides, which are complex to produce and difficult to decipher! The creation and distribution of your guides must be rapid to improve your time to market. Give your operators a simple, didactic tool to guide them serenely through the assembly of your products, with no risk of error. With no need for training, your team is directly autonomous.

Operators can follow the assembly steps, manipulate 3D, visualize assembly trajectories, be alerted to the tools and PPE required to complete the step... In a way, they have a digital and interactive assembly manual, which makes their procedure more intuitive and easier: +30% time saving on assembly, -70% risk of error.




What's more, unlike today's ill-adapted paper-based solutions, AVA OP is instantly available anywhere in the world via our application, providing access to guides that are always up to date. With no more obsolete instructions, operators have access to the latest version and can begin assembly with peace of mind.

Opérateur sénior en train de former un o


Digitizing tasks

Delegation to unqualified people

Concentration of know-how on complex tasks requiring expertise that is difficult to digitize

Une formation rapide et une prise en main facile formation.png


Quick to learn and easy to get started training

Une vraie assistance à la formation.png


Genuine assistance

Un outil adapté à la formation.png


A tool adapted
for training

Logiciel AVA OP avec construction d'une guide sur le châssis d'un véhicule
Vidéo de l'application AVA sur le montage d'un châssis de voiture
Opérateur à l'extérieur avec une tablette AVA pour être guidé dans l'assemblage de son produit
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